NOTE FROM JEFF: Only one thing is greater than the amount of ionizing radiation released from Fukushima, than the amount of lies being perpetrated concerning this, or than the amount of totally fake 'money' being conjured up by the international banking cartel...this would be the inestimable depth and breadth of human ignorance, denial and insanity. With several molten reactor cores at Fukushima already contaminating the water table and immeasureable quantities of close to 2000 synthetic radio-nuclides STILL BEING PRODUCED and disseminated throughout the biosphere, not to mention THOUSANDS OF KILOGRAMS OF PLUTONIUM vanished; with cetaceans being exploded and french-fried globally by military technologies that the average person believes doesn't even exist; the less and less transparent role of ‘industrial operations’ as de facto and clandestine ‘war-fighting’ organizations (e.g., Monsanto); with unbelievably and flagrantly fascist 'laws' and regulations coming into being every week, demonizing everything that's healthful and criminalizing everything that's true and useful; with a ludicrous 'tumour circus' of hideous 'meat puppets' performing on mass-media, like Obama singing on television...how anyone can tell me that 'everything's A-OK' only shows how deeply delusional they must be. We still live in THIS dimension and we're responsible for THIS dimension. Until we clean up THIS dimension, then for all practical purposes, there are no OTHER dimensions available to us.
The article below by Yoichi Shimatsu is one of the most realistic appraisals of the on-going Fukushima scenario I've yet to read; even he, however, fails to mention the 'non-natural' origins of the disaster, nor the global 'depopulation' agenda it's a part of. HUNDREDS of nuclear reactors around the world have reached or are reaching the end of their life-span...and the beginning of their 'death-span'...which is far, far longer than the few decades they may have operated for. EACH of these reactors contains enough extremely radioactive substances to annihilate all life on the Earth many times over. And more is being created every hour of every day in thousands of locations.
The "Day of Omnicide" is upon us...ecocide, genocide, suicide. Planetary mass-extinction 'events' are believed to have happened before, but this time it's anthrogenic, courtesy of the Earth's most intelligent species, that would be us, homo sapiens, "man, the wise." Is this the all-too-fitting 'crowning achievement' of 5000 years of 'civilization' founded on war against the Earth?
"The only thing greater than our ignorance is our certainty that we know it all." Jeff Weffenstein
COMING SOON: "GENERATION 'F': Passionless People in a Poisoned Paradise" Jeff Phillips
ON THE NEWSTAND NOW: Latest issue of Uncensored magazine with my 'free-lance intelligence report"...read it here:
2/22/11 WAS NEW ZEALAND'S '9/11' Jeff Phillips
NOTE: This is increasingly obvious to anyone caring to look. The presence in Christchurch for the quake of a cadre of extremely high level U.S. bureaucrats with previous involvement in 'managing' 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and the BP-Gulf disaster; the presence in John Key's office at the moment of the quake of several U.S. congressmen, at least two of whom are on record as having received campaign contributions from Anadarko Petroleum THEN within hours of the quake, Anadarko's 'permit request' for seismic exploration off the Canterbury coast was granted; the passage of new NZ "earthquake legislation" for the whole country, not just Canterbury, almost identical to the fascist U.S. Patriot Act, a 600+ page 'act' enabled less than 24 hours after 9/11 giving what amounts to dictatorial powers to the executive branch; the undeniable anomalies of the quake(s) coupled with verifiable presence of ALL the signatures of 'technetronic' warfare, i.e., utlizing microwave-based Tesla technologies and chem-trails; finally, the insidious presence of an Anadarko-contracted 'research vessel', the MV Aquila, in Lyttelton harbour when the quake happened. Five board members of Anadarko have indisputable connections to HAARP itself and/or its operators or deployment strategists, as well as bureaucratic/corporate entities with histories of 'false flag' operations (Anadarko was involved with the BP disaster), New World Order ideologies (Trilateral Commission) and U.S. global military hegemony (Halliburton, who owns Brown & Root, a petroleum corporation founded by Averil Harriman, one of Prescott Bush's business partners...together they conducted business with and supported Hitler's Third Reich). The explosion of mining, fracking, and oil exploration/drilling activity throughout New Zealand, including its massive "EEZ", the fifth largest in the world, as well as in all of its national parks, as well as the on-going assault from fascist legislation like the 'food security act' and the unending barrage of chem-trails and radio-frequency technologies is wreaking havoc not only on human health but also waging war on the cetaceans, the 'real people.' (scroll down to the 'Ministry of Geo-Terrorism" section)
3/11/11 WAS JAPANS '9/11' Jim Stone
NOTE: This article is very interesting in explaining 'why' the tsunami/quake were not 'natural' BUT he seems to deflect any consideration of HAARP-related technologies, whose signatures were clearly observable, including anomalous 'high energy atmospheric plasmas' over Fukushima at the time it happened, characteristic ‘artificial quake’ frequencies on HAARP, plus the conspicuous presence in the Sea of Japan of the USS Ronald Reagan and a huge floating 'SBX' radar platform believed to be 'technetronic.'
Fallujah, Fukushima, & the Global Radiation Catastrophe, Part 1
Fallujah, Fukushima, & the Global Radiation Catastrophe, Part 2
"An accurate reckoning of the danger to public health worldwide is not being discussed because governments are powerless against the nuclear monstrosity they created..Considering the 33-year half-life of cesium, far more people worldwide can be expected to die horribly due to the fallout of Fukushima rather than in any nuclear war with Iran or North Korea...Nearly every nuclear plant in the Pacific region has reached the limit of its spent fuel rod capacity, meaning these time bombs are fully loaded and ready to blow...Even when the cesium and strontium threats diminish, the possibility of mass extinction will remain for as long as humankind can muddle along. The chunks of uranium blasted into seawater around Fukushima have a half-life of 700,000 years."
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